NEWS! We have moved!Freedom Quest Youth Services' Castlegar Head Office has been located at 349 Columbia Ave., Castlegar, BC for 10+ years. This location has served us well and we are grateful for the kind neighbours and community-focused residents and business owners of Downtown (North) Castlegar.
Even so, we are excited to announce that we have moved! Freedom Quest Youth Services Society purchased a building in South Castlegar and has relocated the agency's Head Office there as of April 1, 2023. You may know our new location as the "Law Office" of South Castlegar. Does the image below look familiar? This purchase and move would not have been possible without a significant financial contribution from Columbia Basin Trust as well as contributions and support from Teck, Community Futures, and Seven Summits General Contracting. I would also like to shout-out gratitude to Jackson Walters of REMAX, Nathan Wheaton of Timberline Home Inspections, and Keystone Appraisals. Please join me in thanking and celebrating these amazing community partners and businesses!
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